The Maryland Open
The GWRM Baltimore Go Club and the Baltimore Country Department of Recreation and Parks Proudly Present the Forty-Ninth Maryland Open
Memorial Day Weekend, May 24 & 25, 2025
This is a very popular weekend. Make reservations now!
Prizes in all sections (Dan and Kyu)
Open Section: Even games for championship!
Entrance Fee: $40 Under 18: $30
This is an AGA rated event. AGA membership required and available at door. One day memberships available.
FIVE ROUNDS: Three Saturday, two Sunday. Registration from 9 until 10:30 am. First round at 11 am. Come for one day or both! First round Sunday 9:30 am.
Catonsville Senior Center
501 N. Rolling Rd.
Catonsville, MD 21228
- From Baltimore Beltway (695)
- Go West on Rt. 40 to Rolling Rd.
- Left onto Rolling Rd (South).
- At 2nd light, turn left into Senior Center
- From 95 heading north from DC
- Take the Catonsville exit (Rt. 166, Rolling Rd.)
- Go North 2 miles to Frederick Rd.
- Turn left, go 1/4 mi, then right onto Rolling Rd.
- At 2nd light (Old Frederick Rd.), turn right into Senior Center
Questions? Call Keith 410-788-3520